“Night Song of Beauty”. Oil painting on canvas.
“Night Song of Beauty”
8″x12″ (20 x 30 cm)
© Izabel Raa Jan, 2018
This commissioned painting has been created for one beautiful soul that I met on the island. The imagery has been derived through meditation on that person. I saw that I have to combine the night sky with gorgeous colors of fading sunset, the Milky Way with the stars, the hibiscus and the sea. My intention was also to create a small portal to that beautiful island and capture the special energy of this amazing place.
Available as:
– giclée, printed on canvas (on demand; same size or smaller),
– similar painting commission (any convenient size).
Review on the painting:
“Once I take the painting in hands, the first feeling that repeats is an astonishment. I’m surprising how weightless the painting is. And this is an extraordinary feeling that it is just airy. At first I thought that this feeling will pass away. But taking the second time, the third, and further times, I was just surprised, as if I had taken it for the first time. And recently, I understood why this feeling arises in me, it is no longer a tactile sensation, this is the feeling inside of me. This painting is so deep, there is a whole Universe in it, the whole beach is there, the whole sea is there, all the flowers and all the sunsets are there, all the clouds, and the whole Milky Way, our home. And all this should weigh a lot, and when I take this painting in hands, I am surprised again at its lightness, and this lightness makes me also light and weightless; my body stands on the ground, but I lift off and fly there. I’m becoming the same weightless and a little ghostly 😊”
Alex, Koh Chang, Thailand
*all photographs – the artworks of Alex made on the island
“Ночная Песня Красоты”
20 x 30 см
© Изабель Раа, 2018
Эта картина, созданная на заказ, была написана для одной прекрасной души, которую я встретила на острове Таиланда Ко Чанг. Образ, который оказался на картине, был получен в результате медитации-сосредоточения на этом человеке. Я ощутила желание совместить ночное небо с великолепными красками угасающего заката, Млечный Путь со звездами, цветком гибискуса и морем. Мое намерение также состояло в том, чтобы создать небольшой портал на этот прекрасный остров и запечатлеть в картине особую энергию этого удивительного места.
✨ Возможно приобретение открытки, принта, жикле (копия картины, отпечатанная на холсте, с мазками маслом поверх принта и подписью художника), а также создание похожей (но не идентичной) картины на заказ на холсте любого удобного вам размера.