Exhibitions and Events

Exhibitions and Events / Выставки и мероприятия


January 7th, 2017

Jerome (Sedona), Arizona, USA
Yester Day’s Gallery

Art Walk Event


February 4th, 2017

Jerome (Sedona), Arizona, USA
Yester Day’s Gallery

Art Walk Event “The Love of Art”




“Cathedral’s Magic”

Jerome First Saturday Art Walk celebrates ‘The Love of Art’

Jerome Art Walk, February 4, 2017

Jerome Art Walk to have Valentine’s Day focus

‘The Love of Art’



June, 2017

St. Petersburg, Russia

Participation in Budart Art Retreat for Artists



August 1st – September 9th, 2017

San Francisco, California, USA

Solo Exhibition in San Francisco Zen Center



August Art Show: Izabel Raa

September 16-21st , 2017

Los Angeles, California, USA

Meditative Art Exhibition and Performance at the Budart Meditative Art Festival.
The inaugural Budart Festival featured an international exhibition of meditative artworks curated with a dynamic series of programs to reflect on the beauty, richness and significance of meditation. The centerpiece of the exhibition was the first display in the U.S. of the Piprahwa Buddha relics considered to be the sacred remains of the historical Buddha Sakyamuni.

The exhibition of paintings and installations brought together internationally recognized artists who directly convey their personal practice of meditation into their artwork. Casting ancient wisdom through the medium of contemporary art, this show has given attendees the opportunity to intuitively experience the illumination and serenity of meditation simply by observing works of art.

The festival program invited everyone to take part in a wide range of art and meditation workshops, meditative music concerts, talks by prominent speakers and performances.





BudArt Artists
Meditation and Art



April 28th, 2018

Los Angeles, California, USA

Participating in Yogananda Fest “Change yourself to change the world”.

Paramhansa Yogananda came to the west in the 1920s and took this country by storm. He brought timeless teachings of Yoga and Meditation and showed that Science and Religion are not in conflict. He was a spiritual revolutionary – a messenger of Joy! His spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi continues to inspire millions of truth seekers even today.

July-August, 2018


July/August Online issue of magazine Art&Beyond

Art&Beyond / Izabel Raa

November 25th, 2018

Lake Forest, Los Angeles, California, USA

Exhibition-sale on the Thanksgiving event in the Gallery “Olympic”

On November 25, in honor of the Thanksgiving, a festive concert, dinner and exhibition-sale of paintings by famous Russian-American artists were held in the Gallery “Olympic” at the Russian Orthodox Church in the city of Lake Forest (Los Angeles, California): Lark Larisa Pilinsky, Izabel Raa, Irina Chelyapova, Svetlana Toth and others. The event was attended by many guests and visitors.

November, 2018


Artists on Art Magazine – Beholders of the Night: A Summer Solstice Oil Painting

Beholders of the Night - A Summer Solstice Oil Painting - Izabel Raa -Artists on Art Magazine


November, 2019 – January, 2020

Moscow, Russia

Mini Exhibition in the gallery / tea club Arteafact 🍵🌱
Мини-экспозиция в галерее / чайном клубе “Артефакт” 🍵🌱


“Arcturus Rose”, or “Arcturian Corridor” (“Роза Арктура”, или “Арктурианский коридор”) 🌌✨✨✨ Oil painting on canvas panel. © Izabel Raa Jan, 2018 “The Door to the Source” and “Music of Stars” (“Дверь к Источнику” и “Музыка звезд”)✨🌌💜💙✨ Oil paintings on canvas. © Izabel Raa Jan, 2017-18“Mysterious Night of Azur” (“Таинственная ночь Азура”)🌌🌴✨✨✨ Oil painting on canvas panel © Izabel Raa, 2019✨“Archangel Uriel” (“Архангел Уриэль”)✨✨✨ Oil painting on canvas panel © Izabel Raa, 2019 “Back to the Purity” (“Возвращение к чистоте”)🌸 Oil painting on canvas panel. © Izabel Raa Jan, 2016  


October, 2020 – present

Divnomorskoye, Gelendzhik, Russia

Permanent exhibition of the several artworks in a private gallery in the
Eco-Villa “Sea Chalice”

Перманентная выставка нескольких работ в частной галерее Эко-Виллы “Морская Чаша” (Дивноморское, Геленджик, Россия)


Igor and Anna, the first visitors to the exhibition / Игорь и Анна - первые посетители выставки :)“Star Symphony Over "Sea Chalice” and “Radiance of Light Over Black Sea Shambala”Igor and Anna, the first visitors to the exhibition / Игорь и Анна - первые посетители выставки :)
Exhibited paintings:

1. “Archangel Michael. Shining Light of Purification and Protection from Negative and Destructive Energies
2. “Magic Forest Near Villa “Sea Chalice
3. “Star Symphony Over “Sea Chalice
4. “Radiance of Light Over Black Sea Shambala



January-April, 2021

Los Angeles, California, USA

Participation in the Virtual Exhibition and the Zoom Event “SoulRise” at the Lark Gallery




Interview with Artist: Izabel Raa (LarkGallery)



Интервью с художником: Изабель Раа (LarkGallery)

June, 2021


Summer SoulRise Special Issue 2021 / SoulRise Exhibition (Art&Beyond magazine)


July 4th, 2021

Group Exhibition of Artists of the Spiritual Art Style

Light, joy, purity, flow, blessings, happiness, liberation, cosmos, sacred geometry, higher states of mind and higher dimensions, free flight of the soul. This and much more is presented in the artworks of artists whose aim is to awaken, open hearts for the beautiful, inspiration and beauty and fill with sublime feelings and a deeper understanding of the world and oneself…

Presented artists: Izabel Raa, Anna Shabyrova, Katerina Aksenova, Mariana Arap, Galina Bach, Anastasia Khoroshunova, Katerina Jesun. 

FreedOM’art – Стихия Творчества
Групповая выставка художников направления Spiritual Art

Свет, радость, чистота, поток, благословение, счастье, освобождение, космос, сакральная геометрия, высшие состояния сознания и измерения, свободный полет души. Это и многое другое представлено в творчестве художников, цель которых пробудить, открыть сердца для прекрасного, вдохновения и красоты и наполнить возвышенными чувствами и более глубоким пониманием окружающего мира и себя…

Художники: Изабель Раа, Анна Шабырова, Катерина Аксенова, Мариана Арап, Галина Бах, Анастасия Хорошунова, Катерина Жесан.




January 7th, 2022

Gelendzhik, Russia (Россия, Геленджик)

Soul Flights – Eco-Tour Victoria (“Полеты Души” – Эко-тур Виктория)

Solo Exhibition as part of the Eco-Tour Victoria event (Соло-выставка в рамках мероприятия “Эко-Тур Виктория”)

Izabel Raa - "Soul Flights"Izabel Raa - "Soul Flights" Izabel Raa - "Soul Flights"Izabel Raa - "Soul Flights"Izabel Raa - "Soul Flights"Izabel Raa - "Soul Flights"Izabel Raa - "Soul Flights"Izabel Raa - "Soul Flights"Izabel Raa - "Soul Flights" 

January-February, 2022

Gelendzhik, Russia (Россия, Геленджик)

“Universe of Soul” (“Вселенная Души”)

Solo exhibition of artworks, presentation of the musical album “Music of the Spheres” by Izabel Raa and author’s meditations at Anti-Gallery SMART.


A month-long solo-exhibition of Izabel Raa’s artworks took place at the wonderful space of the anti-gallery SMART. During the exhibition, there were four events:
– Izabel meets and greet;
– a presentation of the music album “Music of the Spheres” by Izabel Raa;
– a meditation session guided by the artist (“Return to Your Star Roots. Reunion with the Galactic family”) and other author’s meditations;
– tea break for soulful conversations and to share feelings from the exhibition and meditations.



Соло-выставка работ, презентация музыкального альбома “Музыка Сфер” Изабель Раа и авторские медитации в Анти-Галерее “SMART”.

Почти месяц в чудесном пространстве Анти-Галереи “SMART” проходила персональная выставка работ Изабель Раа. В рамках выставки состоялось четыре мероприятия со встречей с художником, презентацией экспозиции и музыкального альбома  “Music of the Spheres” (“Музыка сфер”), медитацией “Возвращение к своим звездным корням. Воссоединение с Галактической семьей” и другими авторскими медитациями, душевное общение, чаепитие и обмен впечатлениями от выставки и медитаций.


February 1-15th, 2022

Los Angeles, California, USA

“Art Transforming Spaces”

Exhibition at Art 2 Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Exhibited artworks:
1. “The Dream About the Dream
2. Moonlight Song


February 6th, 2022

Florence, Italy
International Prize Leonardo Da Vinci – The Universal Artist 

On February 6th, 2022, Izabel Raa was awarded the Leonardo Da Vinci International Prize in the category “The Universal Artist” at the Borghese Palace in Florence, Italy. The artwork of Izabel Raa was published in the catalog dedicated to the Leonardo Da Vinci International Prize and in the January/February issue of the “Art International Contemporary Magazine” and was presented to collectors, journalists, politicians and art lovers.

The ceremony was attended by awarded artists from all over the world, whose artwork was selected by art critics and curators of the award (Dr. Salvatore Russo and Dr. Francesco Saverio Russo), as well as celebrities, journalists and art connoisseurs.

The participated artwork of Izabel: “The Cat, Stardust and Cosmic Fireplace”, or “Where the Love is…”.


Международная премия Леонардо да Винчи – “The Universal Artist”

6 февраля 2022 года Изабель Раа была награждена Международной премией Леонардо да Винчи в номинации «The Universal Artist», которая проходила во Дворце Borghese во Флоренции в Италии. Работа Изабель Раа была опубликована в каталоге, посвященном Международной премии Леонардо да Винчи, а также в январском/февральском номере журнала “Art International Contemporary Magazine” и была представлена коллекционерам, журналистам и любителям искусства.

На церемонии присутствовали художники со всего мира, чьи работы прошли отбор арт-критиков и кураторов награды (Dr. Salvatore Russo и Dr. Francesco Saverio Russo) в номинации на премию, а также знаменитости, журналисты и ценители искусства.

Работа Изабель, участвовавшая в номинации: “Котик, звёздная пыль и космический камин”, или “Где находится любовь…”



April-May, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

“The Art of Wellness”
Participation in the “The Art of Wellness” Exhibition (Lark Gallery).

The Art of Wellness - West Hollywood

Presented artworks for the show:


Interview with the Artist - Izabel Raa

Interview with the artist – Izabel Raa:

Интервью с художником: Изабель Раа (на русском)



More information coming soon!