“A Journey through Inner Places of Power and Resourceful States of Consciousness”

“Путешествие по внутренним Местам Силы и ресурсным состояниям”

15 октября 2023г., г. Геленджик

"Release". Oil painting on canvas. © Izabel Raa, 2019"The Messenger of the Rainbow World". Oil painting on canvas."Trip to Happiness" (“Путешествие в счастье”). Oil painting on canvas. © Izabel Raa, 2021"Morning Bird of Bliss and Joy". Oil painting. Izabel Raa, 2018Observing the Truth, or Being Yourself With No Compromise. Oil painting on canvas. (c) Izabel Raa, 2018"Fractal Resemblances", or "The Path Through Dimensions". Oil painting on canvas. © Izabel Raa, 2019"Hidden Sanctuary", or "The Way to the Abode of Masters". Oil painting on canvas. © Izabel Raa, 2019"The Snowy Peak Dreaming". Oil painting on canvas. © Izabel Raa, 2019"Cosmic Yin-Yang" ("Космические Инь-Ян"). Oil painting on canvas. © Izabel Raa, 2020"Bastet" (“Бастет”). Oil painting on canvas. © Izabel Raa, 2020"Inside the Arcturian Corridor". Oil painting on canvas. © Izabel Raa, 2019"Quasars of Light in a Shimmering and Shining Void" (“Квазары света в мерцающей и сияющей Пустоте”). Oil painting on canvas. © Izabel Raa, 2021"Music of Stars". Oil painting on canvas. Izabel Raa, 2018



"Radiance of Heaven and Earth". Oil painting on canvas. © Izabel Raa, 2019-2020"Galactic Journey". Oil painting on canvas."Before the Storm". Oil painting on canvas. © Izabel Raa, 2019"Noir, Poppies and Serenity", or "My Provence". Oil painting on canvas. © Izabel Raa, 2019"Violet-Blue Heart of the Universe". Oil painting on canvas. © Izabel Raa, 2019

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